Информация о транспортном средстве - Benelli Tnt 2017 LBBGHP006HB763196
Ошибка получения данных о транспортном средстве.
Детали для VIN: LBBGHP006HB763196 - Benelli Tnt 2017
- Suggested VIN: LBB!H!006HB763196
- Error Code: 5,14
- Possible Values: (4:PT)(6:ABCEJ)
- Additional Error Text: The error positions are indicated by ! in Suggested VIN. In the Possible values section, each pair of parenthesis indicate information about each error position in VIN . The Numeric value before the : indicates the position in error and the values after the : indicate the possible values that are allowed in this position Unused position(s): 4,6; The Model Year decoded for this VIN may be incorrect. If you know the Model year, please enter it and decode again to get more accurate information.
- Error Text: 5 - VIN has errors in few positions; 14 - Unable to provide information for some of the characters in the VIN, based on the manufacturer submission.
- Vehicle Descriptor: LBBGHP00*HB
- Make: Benelli
- Model: Tnt
- Model Year: 2017
- Plant City: WENLING
- Trim: 300
- Vehicle Type: MOTORCYCLE
- Plant Country: CHINA
- Plant Company Name: Mekeda Assembly Factory
- Plant State: ZHEJIANG
- Gross Vehicle Weight Rating From: Class 1A: 3,000 lb or less (1,360 kg or less)
- Engine Number of Cylinders: 2
- Engine Stroke Cycles: 4
- Fuel Type - Primary: Gasoline
- Cooling Type: Water
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