Date | 26-03-2024 |
Source ID | COPT_81121423 |
Source | Copart |
Vehicle VIN | WBAJE7C58JWD53252 |
Make | Bmw |
Model | 540i |
Year | 2018 |
Odometer | 59442 |
Odometer (km) | 95662 |
Title | WBAJE7C58JWD53252 Front End |
Description | Vehicle WBAJE7C58JWD53252 (Front End) is up for an auction |
Location | 37090, Tn - Nashville, Lebanon, USA |
Engine Capacity | 3000 |
Cylinders | 6 |
Damage | Front End undefined |
Edit Update | 1 |
Retail Value | 29325 |
Keys | 1 |
Owner | P |
Date | 20-09-2024 |
Source ID | MVSU_WBAJE7C58JWD53252_20.09.24 |
Source | Ministry of Interior of Ukraine |
Vehicle VIN | WBAJE7C58JWD53252 |
Make | Bmw |
Model | 540i |
Year | 2018 |
Description | Registration in Ukraine: 70/РЕЄСТРАЦIЯ Б/В ТЗ ПРИВЕЗЕНОГО З-ЗА КОРДОНУ ПО ВМД |
Location | Ukraine ТСЦ 8043 12292 |
Number | KA7204MT |
Engine Capacity | 2998 |
Weight | 2343 |
Keys | 1 |
Owner | P |
Date | 21-09-2024 |
Source ID | MVSU_WBAJE7C58JWD53252_21.09.24 |
Source | Ministry of Interior of Ukraine |
Vehicle VIN | WBAJE7C58JWD53252 |
Make | Bmw |
Model | 540i |
Year | 2018 |
Description | Registration in Ukraine: 315/ПЕРЕРЕЄСТРАЦІЯ ТЗ НА НОВ. ВЛАСН. ПО ДОГОВОРУ УКЛАДЕНОМУ В ТСЦ |
Location | Ukraine ТСЦ 8043 12292 |
Number | KA7204MT |
Engine Capacity | 2998 |
Weight | 2343 |
Keys | 1 |
Owner | P |