Vehicle Information - Volkswagen Passat 2020 WVWZZZ3CZLE046111
Sales Information
Date | 30-09-2023 |
Source ID | ARIA_35216283 |
Source | AutoRia |
Vehicle VIN | WVWZZZ3CZLE046111 |
Make | Volkswagen |
Model | Passat |
Year | 2020 |
Odometer | 152000 |
Odometer (km) | 152000 |
Title | Volkswagen Passat 2020 |
Location | Ukraine |
Engine Capacity | 2000 |
Keys | 1 |
Owner | P |
Details for VIN: WVWZZZ3CZLE046111 - Volkswagen 1990
- Suggested VIN: WVW!!!3!!LE046111
- Error Code: 1,5,14,400
- Possible Values: (4:BCDEFGHKLMNPRST)(5:ABCDEFGJKLMRS)(6:012458)(8:015EGH)
- Additional Error Text: The error positions are indicated by ! in Suggested VIN. In the Possible values section, each pair of parenthesis indicate information about each error position in VIN . The Numeric value before the : indicates the position in error and the values after the : indicate the possible values that are allowed in this position Unused position(s): 4,5,6,7,8; Invalid character(s): 9:Z;
- Error Text: 1 - Check Digit (9th position) does not calculate properly; 5 - VIN has errors in few positions; 14 - Unable to provide information for some of the characters in the VIN, based on the manufacturer submission.; 400 - Invalid Characters Present
- Vehicle Descriptor: WVWZZZ3C*LE
- Make: Volkswagen
- Manufacturer Name: VOLKSWAGEN AG
- Model Year: 1990
- Plant City: EMDEN
- Vehicle Type: PASSENGER CAR
- Plant Country: GERMANY
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