Curl error: Failed to connect to port 5000 after 3061 ms: Couldn't connect to server
Vehicle Information - XLRTE75PC0E761484
Error fetching vehicle data.
Details for VIN: XLRTE75PC0E761484
- Suggested VIN: XLRTE75P!!E761484
- Error Code: 1,7,11,400
- Additional Error Text: Invalid character(s): 9:C, 10:0;
- Error Text: 1 - Check Digit (9th position) does not calculate properly; 7 - Manufacturer is not registered with NHTSA for sale or importation in the U.S. for use on U.S roads; Please contact the manufacturer directly for more information; 11 - Incorrect Model Year - Position 10 does not match valid model year codes (I, O, Q, U, Z, 0). Decoded data may not be accurate.; 400 - Invalid Characters Present
- Vehicle Descriptor: XLRTE75P*0E
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