Vehicle Information - Vaz 21099 2006 Y6D21099070037411
Sales Information
Date | 23-07-2023 |
Source ID | ARIA_34883736 |
Source | AutoRia |
Vehicle VIN | Y6D21099070037411 |
Make | Vaz |
Model | 21099 |
Year | 2006 |
Odometer | 100000 |
Odometer (km) | 100000 |
Title | ВАЗ 21099 2006 |
Location | Ukraine |
Number | BB0402EC |
Keys | 1 |
Sales Information
Date | 29-07-2023 |
Source ID | ARIA_34912824 |
Source | AutoRia |
Vehicle VIN | Y6D21099070037411 |
Make | Vaz |
Model | 21099 |
Year | 2006 |
Odometer | 220000 |
Odometer (km) | 220000 |
Title | ВАЗ 21099 2006 |
Location | Ukraine |
Number | BB0402EC |
Engine Capacity | 1500 |
Keys | 1 |
Owner | P |
Sales Information
Date | 08-08-2023 |
Source ID | ARIA_34974343 |
Source | AutoRia |
Vehicle VIN | Y6D21099070037411 |
Make | Vaz |
Model | 21099 |
Year | 2006 |
Odometer | 200000 |
Odometer (km) | 200000 |
Title | ВАЗ 21099 2006 |
Location | Ukraine |
Number | BB0402EC |
Engine Capacity | 1500 |
Keys | 1 |
Owner | P |
Details for VIN: Y6D21099070037411
- Error Code: 1,7
- Error Text: 1 - Check Digit (9th position) does not calculate properly; 7 - Manufacturer is not registered with NHTSA for sale or importation in the U.S. for use on U.S roads; Please contact the manufacturer directly for more information
- Vehicle Descriptor: Y6D21099*70
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