Date | 22-03-2024 |
Source ID | COPT_43633014 |
Source | Copart |
Vehicle VIN | YV4612UM8G2000534 |
Make | Volvo |
Model | S60 |
Year | 2016 |
Odometer | 146646 |
Odometer (km) | 236003 |
Title | YV4612UM8G2000534 Rear End |
Description | Vehicle YV4612UM8G2000534 (Rear End) is up for an auction |
Location | 23150 2344, Va - Richmond, Sandston, USA |
Engine Capacity | 2500 |
Cylinders | 5 |
Damage | Rear End undefined |
Edit Update | 1 |
Retail Value | 12325 |
Keys | 1 |
Owner | P |
Date | 19-06-2024 |
Source ID | MVSU_YV4612UM8G2000534_254_2024-06-19 |
Source | Ministry of Interior of Ukraine |
Vehicle VIN | YV4612UM8G2000534 |
Make | Volvo |
Model | S60 |
Year | 2015 |
Description | Registration in Ukraine: 254/НАЛЕЖНИЙ КОРИСТУВАЧ. РЕЄСТРАЦІЯ |
Location | Ukraine OLD_ДДАІ МВС УКРАЇНИ 10000 |
Number | VN3650TKh |
Engine Capacity | 2497 |
Weight | 2202 |
Keys | 1 |
Owner | P |
Date | 19-06-2024 |
Source ID | MVSU_YV4612UM8G2000534_70_2024-06-19 |
Source | Ministry of Interior of Ukraine |
Vehicle VIN | YV4612UM8G2000534 |
Make | Volvo |
Model | S60 |
Year | 2015 |
Description | Registration in Ukraine: 70/РЕЄСТРАЦIЯ Б/В ТЗ ПРИВЕЗЕНОГО З-ЗА КОРДОНУ ПО ВМД |
Location | Ukraine ТСЦ 5142 12322 |
Number | VN3650TKh |
Engine Capacity | 2497 |
Weight | 2202 |
Keys | 1 |
Owner | P |